Tubefilter: ‘SPiN’ Twists And Turns Through Newsroom Interview

Wilson Cleveland as James Locke in SPiN

Wilson Cleveland as James Locke in SPiN

"Wall Street corruption is a well-tread topic on traditional media platforms, but it is still somewhat under-explored online. Enter SPiN. The 15-minute short film, helmed by online video vet Wilson Cleveland, takes place during a TV interview with an arrogant banker.  SPiN stars Cleveland and Hartley Sawyer; the two actors previous led Cleveland’s previous short film, Kept Man. This time, instead of appearing as a psychotic lover, Sawyer is a Wall Street egomaniac who plays it cool during an interview with Cleveland’s TV journalist. The result is filled with Sorkin-esque banter, political intrigue, and just enough sexual tension."

Read Sam Guttelle's full Tubefilter article here.